There's a few projects I have whirling around in my head. Swirling around in the notebook. Twirling around... you get the idea.
Working through the projects and ideas, it's always easy to go down one route, get stuck, hit your head on the wall until you break through. Or you turn back and find another route.
And I find myself at that juncture with 2 of my projects. 2 that I hold very dear and are very in the forefront.
One is my book project, and I realized I was forcing a style and time period that I have written in. In essence I was writing a genre that I had not much experience reading. So walking it back I realized I needed to write a genre I knew. A genre I read. A genre I don't have to spend so much effort learning the details rather than on the characters.
The second one is The Spirit Guardian, which I've made a solo game. But I realized that some of the mechanisms could be transferred to a multiplayer game. And what would that look like? I have an idea. I have many ideas, to the point it would be a brand new game. And I'd love to make that game - and I will.
So what do I expect out of these two reroutes?
1, to make it easier for me to produce higher quality work.
2, to make that higher quality work more evident, more fun, more enjoyable.
That's the hope. That's the expectation. That's the goal.